How Getting Too Personal Sullies Your Brand “Oh my gosh!” My wife shouts from the kitchen. I rush in to see what happened. There she is, my beloved wife of 4 years, holding a bill from Allstate Insurance. Why are our premiums going up? Because they’ve added my ex-wife to our policy. It was a […]
Problems with Marketing Personalization
Your spouse approaches you on your 4th wedding anniversary with a letter. Allstate Insurance suggests there is an uninsured driver in your house. The uninsured driver is your ex-wife and your current wife has questions. “Happy anniversary, Dear!” you respond. The problem with marketing personalization is that it can sometimes do more harm than good. […]
The Best Way to Improve Your Google Rankings
You think you want to know the best way to improve your rankings in Google search. But actually, you really don’t care about where you rank in Google. You really care about how much search traffic goes to your website. No, that’s still wrong. You don’t care about how much traffic is coming to your […]
The Secret to a High Converting Website
In the first week the new site went live, it generated twice as many leads as the old site generated in an entire month. Same again in the second week. Significantly outperforming industry averages, the new site continues with high conversion rates. Wildly successful, the new site is growing the client’s business. Now comes the […]
Social Media Impressions Isn’t Enough
You’ve heard social media success stories and want to tap into that channel. But you still have questions about how to do it and about the return on investment of social media. You are not alone. Derek Thompson, a writer for The Atlantic, gets measured by the number of people who read his articles on […]
Sustainable Marketing for Sustainability
You have a wonderful product that makes the world a better place. You want everyone to buy it. If everyone did, it would create a better world, society and culture. But do you have a sustainable marketing plan? Are you enriching customers’ lives first, and improving the world as a side benefit? You may be […]
Preparing for recession
WordPress SEO Services
What happened? Frantically watching the phone, then your email, then the phone, then analytics and back to email. Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Furious, you call your web developer. “What happened??” The redesign was supposed to bring more leads and profit. What happened? You hired someone who makes beautiful websites. But your website is not a piece […]
Conversion Rate Optimization Services
Delighted or Deleted: What’s the Fate of Your Email Campaign?
Does your inbox scream at you? How do you respond to the screaming? Hiding behind my computer screen, I delete all of the screamers. But I actually listen to those who bring delight to my inbox and my life. Do your marketing emails bring delight, or are they just screaming and begging to be deleted? […]