When businesses approach their internet marketing certain they already know what visitors want, they fall into the same trap as Oedipus, the hero in Sophocles’ classic tragedy. This article explains how easy it is for even well-meaning marketers to fall into that trap, and what they can do to stay out of it.
The digital world offers opportunities to learn about customer behavior through every customer touch. Studying the data provided by website visits, email campaigns and pay-per-click advertising, as well as free analytics tools, can provide valuable insights into customers’ context and experience. To overcome their “confirmation bias,” internet marketers should challenge their assumptions and gut beliefs through a thoughtful, structured and methodical process of testing.
This article offers concrete examples of how testing and retesting hypotheses – and making course corrections along the way – delivers measurably better conversion outcomes than gouging our eyes out and flying blind. By avoiding our Internet Marketing Oedipus Complex we lay the path to greater insights and greater profitability.
Read the full article at the Conversion Scientist Blog
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