A thought leader in the field of conversion optimization, Brian Massey, has invited allies4me Principal Ally and founder Craig Andrews to become a guest blogger on The Conversion Scientist website. The monthly guest blog by Andrews recently kicked off with a post entitled “My Internet Marketing Oedipus Complex.”
Massey is an author, international speaker, columnist, teacher, and the founder of Conversion Sciences, a company that refines websites strategically and scientifically to get more revenue and leads from existing visitors. He calls himself The Conversion Scientist and has not only the lab coat, but the data, to prove it.
“I appreciate the standard of excellence laid out by Brian on his blog and am excited to contribute to that standard of excellence,” said Andrews. “The allies4me approach to digital marketing, which centers around measurement, analysis and optimization, is a perfect fit to share insights with like-minded professionals seeking information from The Conversion Scientist.”
As the Principal Ally and founder, Andrews brings extensive scientific and marketing expertise to internet marketing agency allies4me.. Over the last 25 years, his experience has spanned search engine optimization, internet marketing software, biomedical and semiconductors. Andrews is backed by a team of marketing allies who support start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
The full article, “My Internet Marketing Oedipus Complex” can be found at http://conversionscientist.com/web-site-optimization/internet-marketing-oedipus-complex/